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Hatha Yoga Classes

We offer group and private Hatha Yoga classes in Zurich for beginners and advanced students. Our teachers are highly experienced and super friendly. The classes are both, amicable and professional.



This is what you will learn in our Hatha Yoga classes


✓ classical yoga positions (asana) with precise alignment

✓ classical breath control (Pranayama)

✓ strengthening muscles and stretching fasciae

✓ directing awareness and mindful observation

✓ perceive and influence Prana (life energy)

✓ Relaxation

✓ Self care - taking responsibility for your own well-being




Schedule, location and price
Address: H202, Hohlstrasse 202, 8004 Zurich

(or join online with Zoom)

Monday,     6:30 pm - 7:45 pm
Thursday,  7:45 pm - 9:00 pm

1 lesson: CHF 34.-
10 lessons: CHF 290.-
- You can also join our classes online (with Zoom)

- Private classes: by arrangement


Get a 40% discount voucher for the 3-lesson trial package, click here...

Or give us a call
+41 78 206 41 21

About Us


Yogaherz was founded in Zurich and offers Yoga classes, meditations, massages and spiritual coaching. Yogaherz represents the love for Yoga and the power within us to open our hearts to transformation.

What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga is a 2,500 year old yoga practice that includes many physical postures (asana) and breathing techniques and breath control (pranayama). Hatha Yoga is the root of many other yoga styles, for example, Vinyasa Yoga, Astanga Yoga, Yin Yoga. Hatha Yoga is an efficient tool to balance your  physical and emotional level.

Here is what our clients say


Before attending Yoga sessions with Michel, I was a complete novice and did not know much about this world. However, Michel very patiently walked me through each step, and I have learned immensely from him ever since. I could not recommend him and his sessions enough - not only because of his immense knowledge and years of experience, but also his incredible and inspirational personality!

P. Preibisch

I appreciate Michel's extensive expertise, which he proved in all the different courses and programs. His authenticity with clear, calm instructions, his reliability, but also his numerous human qualities are something to be commended.


The yoga lessons full of energy given by Michel make you lose track of time. I was especially sold on the practice of Kundalini. Playful and with his excellent sense of humor, he leads through various kriyas, and I'm always amazed at the energy that is released in me. Thank you very much.

The power of Hatha Yoga?

A regular Hatha Yoga practice helps to increase mental and physical resilience and health. It helps reduce stress and anxiety and brings more serenity and peace to everyday life.

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